
Türkiye Emerges as a Leading Destination for Health Tourism

Türkiye's prominence in health tourism has solidified, with the country ranking among the top 10 globally, as reported by the Ministry of Trade. Last year, Türkiye's revenue from health tourism reached an impressive $2.3 billion.

With 40 internationally accredited medical institutions, Türkiye stands as the seventh most sought-after destination for health tourism worldwide. In 2023, the country welcomed 1.4 million foreign visitors seeking medical treatment, further bolstering its position in the industry.

Among the countries that frequent Türkiye for health tourism are Azerbaijan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.

While Canada holds the title for the most advanced medical tourism globally, Kazakhstan stands out in Central Asia. Annually, 3,000 individuals visit Kazakhstan for health-related purposes.

Kazakhstan’s healthcare offerings span various specialties, including neurology, cardiac surgery, perinatal medicine, orthopedics, and dentistry. These fields are particularly popular among tourists seeking treatment in the country.



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