Kazakh Military Achieves Recognition as Central Asia’s Best in Global Firepower-2024 Rankings

The Kazakh army has been acknowledged as the leading military force in Central Asia, according to the recently released Global Firepower-2024 rankings. Kazakhstan has demonstrated remarkable progress by ascending five positions in the global military power index compared to the previous year, securing the 58th position among 145 countries assessed, TuraNews.kz reports.
The comprehensive evaluation by experts considered 60 diverse factors, including the number of military units, financial capabilities, technological advancements, geographical positioning, and mobility. Notably, Kazakhstan’s defense spending reached an impressive US$7.5 billion, reinforcing its commitment to strengthening its armed forces.
With a total military personnel strength of 300 thousand individuals, Kazakhstan outperformed its Central Asian neighbors. Uzbekistan secured the 65th position, Kyrgyzstan followed at 100th place, and Tajikistan ranked 107th in the global assessment.
The top three nations with the highest military capabilities continue to be the United States, Russia, and China. Bhutan, on the other hand, occupies the bottom position in the rankings.