
Canada opens investigation into ChatGPT

OpenAI received a complaint alleging "the collection, use and disclosure of personal information without consent."g, using, and disclosing the users' personal information without their consent.

Canada announced Tuesday it has opened an investigation into the US-based software firm behind ChatGPT, the buzzy artificial intelligence chatbot.

The investigation by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner into OpenAI was opened in response to a “complaint alleging the collection, use and disclosure of personal information without consent,” the agency said.

Launched in November, OpenAI’s chatbot uses information available online to provide detailed answers to users’ queries.

ChatGPT caused a global sensation when it was released last year for its ability to generate essays, songs, exams and even news articles from brief prompts.

But critics have long fretted that it was unclear where ChatGPT and its competitors got their data or how they processed it.

“We need to keep up with –- and stay ahead of -– fast-moving technological advances, and that is one of my key focus areas,” said Canadian privacy commissioner Philippe Dufresne.


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