The Agency of Statistics reports that as of January 1, 2025, Uzbekistan’s permanent population stands at 37.543 million. In 2024, the population grew by 743,400 people.
Among the total population, 18.9 million (50.4%) are men, while 18.6 million (49.6%) are women. The urban population accounts for 19.1 million (51%), whereas the rural population stands at 18.4 million (49%).
Officials also noted that 926,400 children were born in 2024, a 3.7% decrease from the previous year. Meanwhile, the total number of deaths increased by 0.9% to 174,400. This marks the first decline in birth rates in Uzbekistan since 2017.
The country’s population density now averages 83.6 people per square kilometer. The highest densities are recorded in Tashkent (6,948.1 people per square km), Andijan region (804.9), and Fergana region (613.1).
On the other end, the lowest population densities are found in Navoi region (9.9) and the Republic of Karakalpakstan (12.2).