
Uzbekistan State Symphony Orchestra gave a concert in Istanbul

The concert was held at the Bahçeşehir Culture and Art Center with the contributions of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY), the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan and the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Ankara.

Orchestra Conductor Kamoliddin Urinbaev made a statement before the concert, “we’re giving a concert in Turkey for the first time” he said.

“We are very happy that Turkey is the first stop of the world tour”

Expressing that the Turkish people attach great importance to culture, art and especially music, Urinbaev said, “This concert is held as part of the Uzbekistan State Symphony Orchestra’s world tour. he said.

Emphasizing that Turkey was the first country to recognize Uzbekistan when it declared its independence, the artist said:

“Our concert is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkey-Uzbekistan diplomatic relations. We, as artists, are performing this concert on behalf of the Uzbek people as a thank you and also as a celebration. This is an honor and honor for us. Today, nearly 80 of our artists take the stage. Besides, the most famous soloists of Uzbekistan share the same stage with us.We dedicate the concert to the 30th anniversary of relations, but there are not only Uzbek and Turkish works in our repertoire, but also works from the whole Turkic world, especially Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, and we dedicate it to all of them. we do.”

Kamoliddin Urinbaev said that artists are cultural ambassadors at the same time, and that taking on important roles in the diplomatic field imposes a separate responsibility on them.

“May our unity, togetherness and brotherhood be forever”

Stating that he greeted the Turkish people with the warmest feelings and love on behalf of the Uzbek people, Urinbaev said, “May our unity, togetherness and brotherhood be forever between the Uzbek people and the Turkish people. May God protect us from the evil eye, may we all be blessed to be together in such beautiful days and beautiful events.” made its assessment.

In the concert, 18 pieces of music from Turkey, Uzbekistan and the world, including “Uzbekistan is My Motherland”, “Nazende Sweetheart”, “Ay Kara Koz”, “Kara Sevda”, “Mavrigi” and “Surnay Iyazgi”, were presented to the audience.

Başakşehir Mayor Yasin Kartoğlu, TURKSOY officials, representatives of Uzbekistan Embassy in Ankara and Consulate General in Istanbul, and Turkish and Uzbek music lovers attended the night.

About the orchestra

The Uzbekistan State Symphony Orchestra was founded in 2014 with young musicians, talented students and active participants of other symphonies, who received awards at local and international competitions.

The repertoire of the orchestra, whose founder, conductor and artistic director was Kamoliddin Urinbaev, includes popular, national and contemporary music from different countries as well as symphonic music.

The orchestra has also performed jointly with Japanese pianist and composer Keiko Matsui, British violinist Vanessa Mae, German bass Rene Pape, Russian pianist and composer Kirill Richter, and Uzbek artists, famous musicians from Italy, Russia and Central Asia.

The orchestra, which has given many concerts at home and abroad, made three tours to Kuwait in November 2018, February 2019 and January 2022. Uzbekistan State Symphony Orchestra performed in Kuwait after these concerts and collaborations with Kuwaiti composers and artists. They released their first album, “Silk Road”, consisting of works written by Amer Jaafar.

This year, the ensemble participated in the staging of the traditional Korean Opera “Chkhunkhyandzhon” with Korean soloists and the presentation of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s ballet “Scheherazade” at the State Academic Theater named after Alisher Navoi.

The ensemble has also been holding concerts for children with cancer for the past few years.



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