
Uralsk Safe from Flooding Amid Zhaiyk River’s Rising Waters

Authorities have taken proactive measures to ensure the safety of the populace.

Ruslan Kasybaev, head of the Emergency Situations Department in the West Kazakhstan region, assured citizens that preemptive actions were swiftly taken to warn and relocate summer residents to safe areas. “Our efforts to notify summer residents ahead of time were successful, and everyone has been moved to secure locations,” Kasybaev stated.

While some individuals returned to their summer homes, prompting immediate rescue operations, Kasybaev detailed the swift response efforts during a briefing at the Central Communications Service. “Rescue teams worked tirelessly to evacuate people from flooded cottages, particularly in the Stenovika Street area,” he noted, highlighting the involvement of resources such as one helicopter, ten boats, and approximately 230 personnel.

Deputy Akim of the West Kazakhstan region, Kaliyar Aitmukhambetov, emphasized the importance of evacuation, affirming that those who declined to leave would be evacuated forcibly. “Currently, 2,360 individuals are being accommodated in ten evacuation centers, with additional space available for 2,786 more people,” Aitmukhambetov reassured, emphasizing the readiness of these facilities to assist those in need.




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