
Turkish President Calls for New Constitution

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced the need for a new constitution to replace the current one, which was adopted after the 1980 military coup.

Speaking on the “island of democracy and freedom” in the Marmara Sea near Istanbul, where former Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and two of his ministers were executed following a 1961 military coup, Erdogan emphasized the importance of this initiative.

“We will not forgive the perpetrators of conspiracies even after 64 years or a century,” Erdogan stated.

Erdogan argued that the current constitution fails to meet contemporary needs and even undermines the country’s honor. “We cannot force our nation, which has celebrated its 100th anniversary, to live with a revolutionary constitution. We will not tolerate such humiliation. The new constitution is the national duty of the 28th legislative term,” he asserted.

The President highlighted the necessity for the new constitution to be inclusive and liberal, created by civilians in a peaceful manner. “We intend to continue with the new Constitution all the achievements we have achieved. Türkiye needs an inclusive and liberal constitution created by civilians,” he said

It is important to note that constitutional amendments in Türkiye require approval by parliamentary vote.




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