
Turkish and US delegates had a meeting in Washington

The delegations discussed the political events in the region and emphasized the need to oppose all types and acts of terrorism.

The third round of meetings of the Turkey-United States strategic relations was held in Washington, the capital of the United States.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sedat Onal met with US Assistant Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland.

The delegates discussed the political events in the region and emphasized the need to oppose all types and acts of terrorism.

The parties discussed the importance of promoting peace in the South Caucasus during the meeting.

The US delegation expressed its appreciation for Turkey’s friendly efforts to ensure the safe passage of Ukrainian grain through the Karateng Sea.

At the meeting, it was emphasized that bilateral trade relations have gained momentum in the last period, and it was said that economic cooperation will continue to progress in all spheres.



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