
The first liaison office of the Turkic Republic of Goyce-Zengezur was opened in Ankara

In the news shared by the İHA page, the President of the Goyce-Zengezur Turkish Republic Rizvan Talibo, Vice President of Turkey Mehmet Ali Arslan and the Council of Ministers of the Goyce-Zengezur Turkic Republic attended the opening of the liaison office of the Western Azerbaijan Goyce-Zengezur Turkish Republic.

“We need to understand the damage done by global powers”

Mehmet Ali Arslan stated that they took the Zangezur lands from Armenia forty-four days after great planning and success and said, “We are taking back our lands that occupied by Armenia for a long time which areas belong to Ottoman Empire in the course of history pages. Praise God for today, Even though Armenia took our lands and and have a dialect difference there today. We are from the same nationality and we speak the same language but if we do not understand each other even though we speak Turkish, we need to understand about the damage that done by the global powers today,” he said.

“If Turkey is strong, the Turkic world will be strong”

Underlining that the Goyce Zenguzer Turkic Republic and Azerbaijan are one nation and one state, the President of the Goyce-Zengezur Republic Rizvan Talibo said, “If there was no strong Turkey, if there was no strong Azerbaijan, today would be a day of shame. We are thinking of establishing our future with the state of Turkey and Azerbaijan. At the same time, the duty and superiority of each of you, we must work for the strengthening of our Turkey and Azerbaijan. If Azerbaijan and Turkey are strong, the Turkic world will be strong as well. If the Turkic world is united, our world will keep exist and our children/future will be under guarantee.”
The opening ended after the President of the Goyce-Zengezur Republic, Rizvan Talibo gave a plaque to the Ministers.


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