
Tajik President criticizes Putin for continuing “the soviet policy” towards Central Asia

Tajikistan has always respected the interests of its main strategic partner represented by the Russian Federation. The country wants to feel mutual respect, said Emomali Rahmon.

Rahmon expressed his displeasure with Russia’s policy towards central Asian counties during the Russia-Central Asia summit in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, informburo.kz reports,

Speaking at the “Central Asia-Russia” summit in Astana, the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon said that he was angry with Russia because of they do not treat Tajikistan equally

“We witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union with you. As now, we witnessed that there was no attention to small republics, small peoples. Traditions and customs were not taken into account. We did not support development. Yesterday you spoke about two million (migrants from Tajikistan in the Russian Federation.   I wanted to tell you that more than two million of our citizens go to the Russian Federation not only to work. They study, get medical treatment,” Rahmon used the expressions.

Tajikistan President said that Central Asia have always respected Russia as their main strategic partner and same way they expect similar respect in return.


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