
Sadyr Japarov Extends Defender of the Fatherland Day Wishes to the People of Kyrgyzstan

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Japarov, conveyed heartfelt congratulations to the citizens of Kyrgyzstan on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

In his message, the Head of State expressed gratitude and admiration for the bravery and dedication of the country’s defenders, including soldiers, officers, and war veterans. He emphasized the significance of this day in honoring the courage and sacrifices of those who serve and have served in the armed forces, setting an inspiring example for future generations.

President Japarov highlighted the valor demonstrated by previous generations during pivotal moments in history, such as the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, conflicts in Afghanistan, as well as in defending the nation during various challenges. He underscored the importance of preserving the memory of these heroes and their contributions to safeguarding the homeland.

Acknowledging the evolving global landscape and emerging threats, President Japarov emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong and vigilant defense posture to protect the sovereignty and security of Kyrgyzstan.

Furthermore, the President extended special recognition to the women who serve alongside their male counterparts in defending the nation, expressing gratitude for their unwavering commitment and dedication.

In conclusion, President Japarov wished for continued peace and prosperity in Kyrgyzstan, emphasizing the importance of instilling patriotic values and respect for traditions among the younger generations.




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