
Russian “Mir” Card Services to Cease Operations in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan's payment system will discontinue the use of "Mir" cards within its network of participating banks. This decision comes as a response to US sanctions imposed on Russian National Card Payment System (NSPK), the operator of Mir cards.

As of April 5, “Mir” payment system cards will no longer function in Kyrgyzstan, according to reports from the Interbank Processing Center, which oversees the national payment system “Elkart”.

“To mitigate the risk of secondary sanctions, CJSC Interbank Processing Center (CJSC MPC), as the guarantor of uninterrupted “Elkart” system operation, announces the cessation of “Mir” bank card services within its infrastructure starting April 5, 2024, due to the termination of relations with NSPK JSC,” stated the MPC in a release.

This move is a direct consequence of US sanctions against the Mir card operator, the National Payment Card System. In reciprocation, “Elkart” cards will cease operations in Russia.

“Mir” cards have been in circulation in Kyrgyzstan since 2019, following the integration of two payment systems—Russian Mir and Kyrgyz Elcard. Currently, 21 banks are part of the Elkart network.

Previously, Armenia’s payment system, Armenian Card (ArCa), which encompasses most banks, ceased its cooperation with “Mir” cards. An exception was made for VTB Armenia, a subsidiary of Russian VTB.



Kursiv Media


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