
Negotiations Between Putin and Erdogan Conclude in Astana

A meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin concluded in Astana.

The talks took place on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana and lasted for one hour. The press was not allowed to attend.

Present at the meeting were Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar, Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek, Trade Minister Omer Bolat, and Türkiye’s Chief Foreign Policy and Security Adviser Ambassador Akif Çağatay Kılıç.

According to TASS Agency, the leaders discussed economic cooperation, noting that major projects are being implemented smoothly. They also talked about coollaboration in the energy field. Another topic of discussion was Russian tourism to Turkey, a booming industry.

Putin promised Erdogan that he would definitely visit Türkiye. His visit has been planned for a long time, but the schedule has not been coordinated. Erdogan noted that he was expecting his counterpart to visit him “as soon as possible.” It was also announced that the leaders would discuss the situation in Syria and Ukraine.

Putin promised Erdogan that he would definitely visit Türkiye. His visit has been planned for a long time, but the schedule has not been coordinated. Erdogan noted that he was expecting his counterpart to visit him “as soon as possible.” It was also announced that the leaders would discuss the situation in Syria and Ukraine.

It is worth noting that President Erdogan arrived in Astana yesterday to participate in the SCO summit.




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