
Laser Incidents Targeting Aircraft on the Rise in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has witnessed a troubling increase in incidents involving lasers being directed at aircraft during takeoff and landing procedures, posing significant risks to aviation safety.

According to Uzbekistan Airports’ press service, there have been 16 documented cases of such interference since the beginning of last year.

In 2023 alone, 10 incidents were reported, with an additional 6 cases recorded from January 1 to May 10 of this year. The data on these incidents were compiled based on reports from flight crews, highlighting the growing concern over the frequency of these dangerous occurrences.

The press service emphasized that individuals engaging in such actions could face legal repercussions under Article 116-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which addresses the creation of interference with laser beams during aircraft operations.

According to this article, individuals found guilty of pointing laser beams at aircraft face fines ranging from 100 to 200 BRV, along with the possibility of administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Additionally, confiscation of the offending items may also be enforced as part of the penalty.

Uzbekistan Airports underscored the gravity of these incidents and urged citizens to refrain from such reckless behavior to ensure the safety of air travel within the country.


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