
Kazakhstan’s new migration policy opens doors for foreign talent

Kazakhstan is attracting more foreigners with its new migration policy, which focuses on educational immigration, business immigration, and attracting qualified foreign specialists, reports.

In the first half of 2023, more than 160,000 people have taken part in intra-country mobility in Kazakhstan, with the country’s megacities continuing to be centers of attraction for internal migrants.

Foreigners are also increasingly coming to Kazakhstan for permanent residence, with most coming from the CIS countries, China, and Mongolia. The minister of labor, Tamara Duysenova, said that more foreign citizens are also beginning to arrive with technical, economic, pedagogical, and medical specialties.

As part of the implementation of the Concept of Migration Policy, the government has taken a number of measures to attract foreign talent to Kazakhstan. These include:

  • Exemption of A-5 category investors from obtaining permits for foreign labor.
  • Simplification of the procedure for issuing IIN and EDS in foreign institutions on the principle of “one application” for potential investors.
  • Approval of the procedure for issuing Ata Zholy cards for ethnic Kazakhs with successful business cases abroad.
  • Adoption of new rules for issuing permits for foreign workers, which allow for one work permit to be valid for several regions.

The government hopes that these measures will help to attract more foreign talent to Kazakhstan and contribute to the country’s economic development.


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