
Kazakhstan Considers Life Imprisonment for Pedophiles in New Legislative Amendments

Proposed legislative amendments in Kazakhstan could lead to life imprisonment for individuals convicted of pedophilia.

Mazhilis, the lower house of the Kazakh Parliament, has taken up the bill titled “On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ensuring the rights of women and the safety of children.” A complementary bill, “On introducing amendments and additions to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses on ensuring the rights of women and the safety of children,” is also under consideration.

The bills, developed on the initiative of Mazhilis deputies, align with the directives of the Head of State to enhance accountability for domestic violence, as highlighted by Mazhilisman Askhat Aimagambetov. Presenting the bills at the plenary session, Aimagambetov outlined key provisions that seek to address domestic violence comprehensively.

One major proposal is to reclassify beatings and causing minor harm to health from current administrative liabilities to criminal offenses, with a subsequent increase in penalties. Additionally, the bills suggest allowing the filing of lawsuits based on information about violence through media and online platforms, removing the requirement for the victim’s formal request.

Aimagambetov also emphasized the importance of allowing the court to order psychological assistance to modify the aggressive behavior of those involved in domestic violence. Notably, the bills recommend imposing life imprisonment for individuals convicted of pedophilia. Other proposed measures include criminal liability for promoting or inciting suicide, unannounced inspections of children’s residential institutions, and various other significant legal norms.




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