
Kazakhstan Commences Gas Production at Rozhkovskoye Field

The expansive Rozhkovskoye gas condensate field is now officially in commercial operation in the West Kazakhstan region, marking a significant milestone for Kazakhstan’s energy sector. Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov participated in the launch ceremony through a teleconference, reports citing

Discovered in 2008 through extensive geological exploration, the Rozhkovskoye field is expected to produce 14.2 billion cubic meters of raw gas and 7.1 million tons of condensate by 2040. The joint venture overseeing the subsoil use includes KazMunayGas (50%), Hungary’s MOL Group (27.5%), and China’s Sinopec (22.5%). Approximately $534 million has already been invested in the project.

The development of Rozhkovskoye is anticipated to contribute significantly to the National Fund of Kazakhstan, adding 501 billion tenge, with an additional 110 billion tenge to the local budget. Moreover, shareholders plan to allocate at least 3.1 billion tenge for the socio-economic development of the region. Additionally, an annual commitment of 1% of the investment amount will be devoted to training Kazakhstani personnel.

Prime Minister Smailov emphasized the strategic importance of the project, aligning with the Head of State’s directives to attract investment for exploring and developing new gas fields. Rozhkovskoye is expected to be a vital source of additional natural gas volumes, with raw materials processed by Zhaikmunai facilities in partnership with foreign collaborators.

The Prime Minister revealed that several more gas projects are in the pipeline for the medium term, including Urikhtau Central (Aktobe region), Western Prorva (Atyrau region), and Kalamkas (Mangistau region). Together, these projects are expected to increase annual production by over 2 billion cubic meters. Additionally, 12 promising geological exploration projects, along with initiatives for further exploration of existing fields, are underway in collaboration with international companies.

Magzum Mirzagaliev, Chairman of the Board of JSC NC KazMunayGas, highlighted the efforts made to increase production volumes of commercial gas, in line with the Head of State’s directive. He noted the positive impact of the Rozhkovskoye field on the socio-economic development of the West Kazakhstan region, with at least 74% local content in works and services.

During the teleconference, representatives from MOL Group and Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration & Production Corporation expressed their satisfaction with the collaboration and commitment to high standards in industrial safety and environmental protection. The successful launch of the Rozhkovskoye field underscores Kazakhstan’s ongoing efforts to strengthen its energy infrastructure and meet the growing demands of the population and industry.



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