
Kazakh Bookmakers to Share Betting Data with Tax Authorities

Starting February 12, Kazakh bookmakers and totalizators will be required to transmit information regarding bets to tax authorities, a move aimed at enhancing tax administration.

This decision was announced by the head of the Department of Special Tax Regimes within the State Revenue Committee, who emphasized that the transmitted data will solely serve tax-related purposes.

“Last year, amendments were made to the Tax Code, effective December 12. Among these changes is the obligation for bookmakers and totalizators to provide information on bets to state revenue authorities. This information will be transmitted through integrated means, facilitating direct interaction between tax authorities and bookmakers,” stated Erkanat Shymbergen during a briefing.

Shymbergen further elaborated that bookmakers possess both hardware and software systems capable of recording comprehensive data on bets and participants. This data will be transferred to government agencies to facilitate tax administration, following the enforcement of these amendments on February 12. Specific integration guidelines and the scope of information to be shared will be subsequently established.

Addressing concerns about the legality of sharing personal data of Kazakh citizens, Shymbergen assured that such information would be utilized exclusively for tax administration purposes and would not constitute a breach of privacy.

“This information, including Individual Identification Numbers (IIN), does not qualify as tax secrets. Their confidentiality will be upheld in accordance with legislative regulations. The data will be strictly used by tax authorities, with legal consequences for any unauthorized disclosure. Therefore, the primary objective is to identify individuals receiving relevant income and ascertain the earnings of bookmakers,” Shymbergen affirmed.






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