
In Turkmenistan, citizens are required to play songs of ex-President Berdimuhamedov at weddings

In recent weeks, owners and staff of wedding venues, restaurants, and banquet halls have received warnings about these new regulations.

In Turkmenistan, citizens are now reportedly required to incorporate the wedding song of former president Berdimuhamedov into their wedding celebrations, as authorities in the western regions of the country push for the exclusion of foreign music from wedding playlists, reports citing Radio Azatlyk.

Although there is no official decree, individuals are orally instructed at registry offices to adhere to this requirement when applying for marriage licenses.

Sources in the Balkan region reveal that registry offices are advising couples that their weddings must feature solely Turkmen music and adhere to traditional Turkmen style.

In recent weeks, owners and staff of wedding venues, restaurants, and banquet halls have received warnings about these new regulations.

An employee from a restaurant, speaking on condition of anonymity, disclosed that establishments hosting weddings are ensuring that a minimum of 80% of songs played are in the Turkmen language.

Non-compliance with these directives and criticism of the government’s policies are strictly prohibited in Turkmenistan.

A restaurant employee recounted a recent wedding where the traditional Turkmen folk dance “kush depti” and two songs by Berdimuhamedov were part of the playlist, along with numerous other Turkmen songs. The DJ was reportedly instructed to play Berdimuhamedov’s songs, each lasting seven minutes, twice.

Berdimuhamedov, the former president of Turkmenistan, is known for composing songs depicting themes related to the country, its people, his youth, and his beloved horse.



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