
In Astana, Putin Expresses Gratitude to Erdogan for Istanbul Talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin extended his gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for organizing the March 2022 delegations meeting, emphasizing the significance of the Istanbul agreements in addressing the Ukrainian crisis.

Speaking at a SCO+ format meeting in Astana, Putin underscored that these agreements, mediated by Erdogan, remain viable and can serve as a foundation for ongoing negotiations.

“The Istanbul agreements, which were initialed by the head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation, remain on the table. This indicates their suitability for Ukraine,” Putin stated, acknowledging Erdogan’s role in facilitating these discussions.

Putin reiterated Russia’s commitment to peace negotiations, contrasting it with what he described as Ukraine’s public refusal to engage, allegedly under influence from London and Washington.

Highlighting the SCO’s role in global affairs amid profound political and economic shifts, Putin emphasized the organization’s growing significance in a multipolar world where states are increasingly assertive in defending their interests.

“As the world becomes more multipolar, new centers of power emerge, with the SCO establishing itself as one of them,” Putin remarked, underscoring the organization’s relevance in current international dynamics.

Агентсво Аналолу


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