
Genocide Conviction: Vagif Khachatryan Sentenced to 15 Years for Crimes in Azerbaijani Village of Meshali

The ongoing trial of Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich concluded on November 7 in Baku, resulting in a verdict that has sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

The charges brought against Vagif Khachatryan pertain to his alleged involvement in committing genocide within the village of Meshali, situated in the Khojaly region, as part of the illegal Armenian armed forces.

During the court proceedings, the prosecution, represented by Assistant Chief Prosecutor Mugeddes Sultanov, delivered their arguments and formally requested a 15-year prison sentence for Vagif Khachatryan.

Prior to the pronouncement of the verdict, attorney Radmila Abylova made a plea to the court to “acquit” Khachatryan. She based her argument on the assertion that, during the incidents in Meshali, he “had no involvement” and “was at home.”

However, State Prosecutor Jovdet Mehraliev countered this claim, emphasizing that the statements of witnesses and victims corroborated the presence of Khachatryan among those who had assaulted the residents of Meshali.

According to the judgment, Vagif Cherkezovich Khachatryan has been sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment.

As per the ruling, Khachatryan will serve the initial 5 years of his sentence in a standard prison, with the remainder of the term to be spent in a maximum-security facility.

Агентсво Анадолу


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