
“From Orhun to Orhan Gazi” IV. International Archaeological and Cultural Trip will be held in Bursa

In the news shared by the International Turkic Academy, it was stated that the fourth international archaeological and cultural expedition will be organized within the framework of the “Sacred Places of the Turkish World” project.

The event is organized with the aim of researching and promoting the holy places, which has great importance for the history and culture of the Turkish world, and It contributes Turkology researches by holding scientific events that dedicated to current problems in the field of science and education of the Turkic world.

The event was first held in 2015 in the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation under the name “Golden Cradle Altai”. After that, it was organized in Mongolia in 2016 with the name “From God’s Mountains to Ötüken”, and in 2017 it continued with “From Kentay to Ulutav: Renewing Historical Memory” in Kazakhstan. The fourth event “From Orhun to Orhan Gazi” will be held in Bursa, which has been chosen as the cultural capital of the Turkish world this year. Representatives from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Hungary, Mongolia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan will attend to this year’s event.



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