
First Border Pillar Installed as Azerbaijan and Armenia Advance Delineation Efforts

The initial boundary marker has been set along the shared border of Azerbaijan and Armenia, marking a significant step in their ongoing border delineation efforts.

According to reports from the office of Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan, Shahin Mustafayev, the installation of the first pillar is a key milestone in the process of delineating the border between the two nations. The event took place on April 23rd, symbolizing progress in clarifying coordinates through ground-based geodetic measurements.

“The installation of the first border pillar signifies a crucial advancement in the border delineation efforts between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia. Our expert teams are actively engaged in this process,” stated a release from Deputy Prime Minister Mustafayev’s office.

Confirmation of this development was also received from Yerevan, affirming the joint commitment of both countries to the ongoing process of border delineation.


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