
Erdogan Reviews New Model of Turkish Togg Electric Car

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took a memorable photo in front of the T10F.

President Erdogan inspected Togg’s new T10F model and received information from officials.

He attended the 80th General Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) at the Twin Towers. During the event, he also watered the tree he planted in 2013 in the garden of the TOBB Twin Towers to commemorate the 69th General Assembly of TOBB.

After his speech at the General Assembly, Erdogan visited the stand showcasing the Turkish electric car Togg.

President Erdogan posed for a memorable photo with the new Togg model.


The Togg T10F is a fully electric 5-door fastback sedan produced by the Turkish car manufacturer Togg. Presented in 2024, this is the second vehicle following the T10X designed by Togg of all five models planned by 2030.



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