
Electronic cigarettes and derivatives may be banned in Kyrgyzstan

The deputies in Kyrgyzstan have proposed bannig of the use of e-cigarettes and nicotine delivery systems on the territory of the country. In the statement it was said the reasons behind this proposed ban are to protect the health of citizens in Kyrgyzstan, to reduce diseases caused by the use of e-cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems and ensure the health of Kyrgyz youths. The relevant draft law has been released for public discussion, reports citing KazInform.

The heatlh specialists stated that the electronic cigarettes produce an aerosol containing nicotine and flavoring. Fragrances have different scents, which is making the product more attractive but in fact they are poisonous. A vape or e-cigarette’s aerosol (a suspension of particles in a gas) causes a short-term inflammatory response in the lungs just like regular cigarettes . Inhaled aerosol microparticles irritate the alveoli and can cause an asthma attack.

The effects of e-cigarette aerosol can lower the immune system and increase susceptibility to influenza, COVID-19 and other respiratory pathogens. Aerosol can cause throat and eye irritation, coughing and dizziness. Nicotine contained in the aerosol can narrow the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack.


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