
Azerbaijan invites Karabakh Armenians to second meeting

The presidential administration of Azerbaijan proposed to hold a meeting in the coming days in Baku

The Azerbaijani authorities invited representatives of the Armenian community of Karabakh to the second meeting, the press service of the presidential administration of the republic reports, Turanews.kz reports.

“The Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan invites representatives of the Armenian community of Karabakh to the second meeting to continue contacts on reintegration, as well as to discuss the implementation of infrastructure projects in Karabakh,” the statement says.

The first meeting of official Baku with representatives of the Armenian public took place on March 1.

The second meeting is proposed to be held in Baku in the coming days.

Earlier, Azerbaijan assigned MP Ramin Mammadov as a point person for contact with the ethnic Armenians of Karabakh. The first meeting between the Azerbaijani official and the representatives of the Armenian residents was held in the city of Khojaly at the headquarters of the Russian peacekeeping contingent temporarily deployed in the territory of Azerbaijan.

Recall that back on February 24, a similar meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian representatives was held with the direct participation of Russian peacekeepers. It was also informed that the next such meeting of representatives of official Baku with representatives of Karabakh’s ethnic Armenians might take place in Baku, Ganja, or Agdam.


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