16th Day of the protests in Iran
Protests continue in many cities of the country on the 16th day of the demonstrations that started after the death of Mahsa Emini in Iran.

After the protests that eased for two days, they flared up again on Saturday with the opening of universities. The demonstrations were held in many cities, especially in Tehran, on Sunday.
The crowd gathered on Shariati Street in Tehran, chanting anti-government slogans and blocked the road for a while.
Security forces intervened in the protest demonstrations that started in universities during the daytime. There was a brawl at some universities.
The protest demonstrations held in Kermanshah, Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, Mazenderan, Kurdistan, Isfahan, Senendec, Shiraz and many universities of the country caused the streets to become active.
According to the images published on social media, it was seen that there was a clash between the demonstrators and the law enforcement officers at Sharif University in Tehran.
It is stated that there may be injured people in the university, where it is claimed that many demonstrators were detained.
Drivers honked their horns in the meters of traffic on Habibullah Street leading to Sharif University.
In addition to the activities in universities and streets, some Iranians supported the protests by shouting slogans from the windows of their houses in the evening.
On Saturday, boycotts were held in many universities to support the detained students and ensure their release.
As the events continued in many cities of Iran, the security forces launched a wave of detentions and arrests against the demonstrators, who were allegedly “endangering public safety”, who participated in the protests, on the orders of the judiciary.
In this context, according to the news reflected in the country’s media, it is estimated that approximately 2,000 people, including students, famous names and journalists, were detained.
Demonstrations in Iran
The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini on September 16, who fell ill and was taken to hospital after being detained by the Irshad patrols – known as the “morality police” in Tehran on September 13, caused outrage in the country.
The demonstrations, which started after Amini’s funeral in her hometown of Sakkiz on September 17, spread to many cities of the country.
Iranian state television announced that 41 people, including security forces, lost their lives during the demonstrations.