
World Nomad Games conclude in Turkiye

The closing ceremony of the 4th World Nomad Games held in Iznik city.

On the shore of Lake Iznik, over 3 thousand athletes from 102 countries competed in 13 branches for 4 days in the games which was organized with the slogan “We are One from Tradition to the Future!”.

The events organized during the games were approximately 40 traditional sports branches which 13 of them were competitions and nearly 30 of them were demonstrations. In addition, cultural, artistic, traditional sports, gastronomy, handicrafts and children’s games met with the guests.

Youth and Sports Minister Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu, World Ethnosport Confederation President Bilal Erdoğan, Kyrgyzstan Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy Minister Azamat Zhamankulov and Kazakhstan Culture and Sports Minister Dauren Abayev attended the closing ceremony held after the completion of the games.

Flag transferred to Kazakhstan

A handover ceremony was held for the next World Nomad Games which will take part in Kazakhstan.

After the protocol speeches, Minister of Youth and Sports Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu presented a tiled pitcher containing water to the Minister of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev, who will organize the next games.

The games closed with a visual feast

The closing ceremony ended with a dance and acrobatics show.

In the closing ceremony, dance choreographies, the exciting show of Karabakh horses, and vocal and choreographic performances from Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were highly appreciated.


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