
Women of Turkmenistan will receive cash gifts on March 8

On 8 March, the International Women’s Day, women of Turkmenistan will receive 60 Turkmenistan Manats as the presidential gift, reports.

The gift amounted 60 Manats, it corresponds to 17 US dollars at the official rate and 3 dollars at the black market rate.

The Cash gifts on behalf of the President in the amount of 60 manats will be presented in a ceremonial atmosphere during the period of March 1-6, 2023.

According to a presidential executive order signed on February 24, gifts are only for women whom those working, students receiving scholarship, and girls attending kindergartens. For the rest, the presidential gift is not provided. Housewives, girls who are not in school or does not attend kindergarten, as well as women who work in private enterprises, the cash gift will not be given.



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