
Viktor Tsoi’s Son Unveils Unseen Home Videos in New Music Video

Musician Sasha Tsoi released a poignant video on May 15th, featuring the song "Part of Me That Isn't There," composed entirely from the personal home video collection of his father, Viktor Tsoi, the iconic leader of the Kino group.

The footage, never before seen, captures intimate moments of Tsoi’s life, including scenes of his friends frolicking amidst sand dunes, moments at a dacha, a trip to the USA, and a vacation in Latvia shortly before the tragic accident that claimed Viktor Tsoi’s life.

The guitar accompaniment for the song was masterfully recorded by Yuri Kasparyan, a fellow member of the Kino group, who also appears in some of the undisclosed archive footage.

In the video’s description, Sasha Tsoi is credited with writing both the music and lyrics, a heartfelt tribute to his father’s legacy. Commenters have expressed gratitude for the unveiling of these cherished moments, wishing Sasha Tsoi well on his musical journey and expressing hopes for widespread recognition of his talent.



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