
Uzbek Scientists Unveil Breakthrough Tomato-Based COVID-19 Vaccine

Uzbek scientists have successfully engineered a new generation COVID-19 vaccine that can be directly consumed from tomatoes, TuraNews.kz reports citing UzNews.

The innovative vaccine involves the insertion of a gene fragment responsible for encoding the antigenic protein S1 of the coronavirus into specialized vectors. These vectors are then integrated into the genome of tomato cells, resulting in the cultivation of a tomato plant capable of consistently producing the S1 antigen protein.

The tomato fruits derived from these genetically modified plants have demonstrated the ability to synthesize a stable amount of antigenic protein S1, measured at 0.77 μg/g. These tomatoes have been identified as the carriers of the newly developed vaccine, named TOMAVAC.

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Tests conducted on the vaccine have exhibited promising results. Both mice and human volunteers administered with TOMAVAC produced elevated levels of neutralizing antibodies in the blood (IgG) and intestines (IgA). Remarkably, no adverse side effects were observed during the testing phase.

The research findings highlight TOMAVAC as a safe vaccine providing two-phase protection—targeting both the intestinal mucosa and the bloodstream. Notably, TOMAVAC is introduced as the first COVID-19 vaccine designed for direct consumption. The comprehensive study has been published in the international journal Frontiers in Nutritional Immunology, presenting results from phase 1 immunogenicity and biosafety trials conducted in both mice and human volunteers.


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