
Türkiye closes airspace for Armenian planes

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that Türkiye closed the airspace for Armenian planes, Turanews.kz reports.

Pointing out that Azerbaijan and Türkiye took many steps to normalize relations with Armenia after the Second Karabakh War, Cavusoglu: “The monument they erected was built to glorify terrorist organizations that martyred our diplomats, terrorists, and terrorist organizations that martyred our Azerbaijani brothers and our citizens in the 1920s. Therefore, it is not possible for me to accept this as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, an institution that gave the most martyrs after the security institutions.” he said.

In the statement on Turkish TV channel NTV, Turkish Minister said that only the speaker of the Armenian parliament will come to Türkiye for a meeting which is we allowed him as an exception and, “Ankara would take additional measures if Yerevan continues provocations” Cavusoglu added.

Last week, the Turkish authorities closed the airspace for Flyone Armenia aircraft flying to Europe. Chairman of the board of directors of the company Aram Ananyan stated that the reasons for such a decision were not clear to the Armenian side and he claimed that Turkish authorities did not inform the carriers about the closure of the sky in advance.



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