
Three artificial intelligence laboratories to be put into operation in Tajikistan

Artificial intelligence (AI) – imitation of human intelligence operations by machines; such a system/machine is capable of continuous self-learning in the process of collecting information. It is also a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of smart machines capable of performing complex tasks that require human intelligence.

The head of the Department of New Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, Abubakr Pirov, said in an interview with a correspondent of  Khovar agency, artificial intelligence is the use of labor with the help of modern technologies – computers, that is, work is mainly controlled and carried out with the help of digital technologies and a computer.

He added that as part of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2040, the Government of the Republic developed an action plan. The strategy is being implemented in three stages, as part of its implementation, three artificial intelligence laboratories will be put into operation in the republic.

On June 8, 2021, the first in Central Asia TajRupt artificial intelligence laboratory launched in Dushanbe in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies. The main goal of the laboratory is to empower the country’s youth in the field of artificial intelligence.




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