
This Year 70 percent of children who will go to primary school will study in Kazakh Language in Kazakhstan

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan, more than 400 thousand children will go to primary school this year in the country where the registration period for the new academic year has ended.

More than 70 percent of them preferred Kazakh language of instruction in schools.

This number approached 90 percent in regions of the country such as Kızılorda, Ulutau, Mangistau and Jambıl.

Russian lessons will not be given in the first grades of primary school.

In the country where there are schools that provide education in Russian, families prefer to send their children to schools that provide education in Kazakh in recent years.

The families of 65 percent of 380 thousand children who started primary school in Kazakhstan last year preferred Kazakh schools.

By the way, according to the new school curriculum that came into effect from 2022, Russian lessons will no longer be taught in Kazakh schools in the first grades of primary school. In primary schools, Russian will be taught from the second grade and English will be taught from the third grade.

TRT Haber


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