
Shusha: From Turkic Cultural Capital to Islamic Cultural Capital

The prestigious title of "Shusha – the cultural capital of the Islamic world 2024" was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. The event commenced with remarks from Mr. Al-Malik, Director General of ICESCO.

President Aliyev underscored the significance of this honor for Shusha and Azerbaijan, portraying it as a testament to the support and respect of the Islamic world. He highlighted Azerbaijan’s commitment to uniting and strengthening Islamic solidarity, emphasizing the symbolic significance of Shusha’s revival after 28 years of absence. The return of its first residents marks a pivotal moment towards rejuvenating the city, with hopes for a peaceful future devoid of conflict.

Accompanied by Azerbaijan’s First Lady, Mehraban Aliyeva, and esteemed dignitaries including culture ministers from Islamic nations, diplomatic representatives, and leaders of international organizations like TURKSOY, the event concluded with a poignant musical performance by Polat Bulbul Ogly, Azerbaijan’s People’s Artist and the first Secretary General of TURKSOY.

Following the formal addresses, an opening concert enriched the atmosphere, celebrating Shusha’s cultural legacy and its newfound status as a beacon of Islamic heritage.


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