
Russian “Perviy Kanal” Ceases Broadcasting in Armenia

Armenia has announced the suspension of Perviy Kanal's (Channel One) broadcast on its multiplex platform.

According to Armenpress, the Minister of High-Technological Industry of Armenia, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, reported that the Russian Perviy Kanal’s broadcast has been stopped. The channel allegedly “failed to fulfill its obligations under the contract, accumulating a debt over two and a half months.”

Hayrapetyan stated, “The broadcast of the Russian channel in the public multiplex has been temporarily suspended until the debt is fully repaid.”

On May 7, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan warned that Russian channels would be turned off if they continued to ignore Yerevan’s demands. The Prime Minister emphasized that a disrespectful attitude towards Armenia’s internal politics would lead to the banning of these channels. He mentioned that the Russian channels had already received “numerous warnings.”

In December 2023, Armenia’s Ministry of High-Technological Industry officially requested the Russian side to address the issue of Russian television channels violating the agreement on non-interference in Armenia’s internal affairs.

Previously, Armenia had also indicated issues in its relations with Russia.


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