
President Tokayev Receives Atlético Madrid Club President Enrique Cerezo Torres

Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was introduced to a project to establish an Atlético Madrid football academy in the country.

President Tokayev acknowledged the global fame of the Spanish club and thanked Enrique Cerezo Torres for his willingness to share expertise and support football development in Kazakhstan.

The President highlighted the significant focus on football development in Kazakhstan, mentioning that about 40,000 children are currently enrolled in sports schools and sections. Efforts are underway to improve infrastructure and build new stadiums.

Tokayev expressed the state’s full support for this initiative to enhance football development.

Enrique Cerezo Torres noted that Atlético Madrid academies operate in many countries worldwide. To help young talents reach top football leagues, the academy emphasizes adopting best practices and enhancing the skills of coaches and mentors.

The new Atlético Madrid football academy will be established at the Akbulak Olympic Center in Talgar, Almaty region.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Enrique Cerezo Torres presented President Tokayev with a T-shirt signed by Atlético Madrid players.



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