
Over 4,300 Ethnic Kazakhs Granted Citizenship Since 2024 Commencement

Each ethnic Kazakh is provided with accommodation in various regions of the republic.

According to the information was provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. as of April 1, 2024, 4,351 ethnic Kazakhs joined the historical homeland, receiving the status of “Kazakhstani.” Since 1991, a total of 1,132,700 ethnic Kazakhs have migrated to the republic.

Since the beginning of this year, the majority of those who came to Kazakhstan (51.1%) are from China, 31.9% from Uzbekistan, 6.4% from Turkmenistan, 5.4% from Mongolia, 3.7% from Russia, and 1.5% from other countries.

According to the situation as of April 1, 2024, the proportion of ethnic migrants with employment potential is 59.1%, those with completed education constitute 31.7%, and retirees are 9.2%.

Regarding the level of education among potential employees, 16.9% have higher education, 22.5% have secondary specialized education, 55.5% have general secondary education, and 5.1% have no education.

Each ethnic Kazakh is provided with accommodation in various regions of the republic.

In this regard, work has been identified to relocate Kazakhs to the following regions: Akmola, Abai, Kostanay, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan, and North Kazakhstan regions.

In 2024, quotas were allocated for the acceptance of candidates into the state housing program, with 2,433 people allotted. In accordance with the situation as of April 1, 2024, 1,381 people were accepted into the housing program in the regions.

To support migrants who have settled in the above-mentioned regions, state support in the form of subsidies is provided – the head of the family and each of its members are allocated a monthly payment ranging from 70 to 258.4 thousand tenge; for renting housing and paying utility bills, a monthly subsidy ranging from 55.3 to 110.7 thousand tenge is provided for a year.

Since the beginning of the year, various support measures have been provided to 617 migrants. Among them, 368 people were successfully employed.

Furthermore, institutional measures to support the effective resettlement of migrants were introduced to attract people to the northern regions. To partially cover the initial down payment for buying, selling, or mortgage loans for housing, a subsidy certificate was introduced, covering 50% of the initial payment or up to 4.28 million tenge for a family.

Starting from 2023, the pilot project “One Window” for granting the status of “Kazakhstani” through diplomatic missions of Kazakhstan has been implemented. The pilot project aims to address issues related to entry into the republic, employment, housing, and obtaining the status of a candidate. Today, 7,518 applications have been accepted from ethnic Kazakhs in the new format.


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