
New cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkey

Cooperation between the two states in the field of space satellite systems Strengthens

In the news shared by Kazinform news agency, representatives of “Kazgarish” enterprises, upon the invitation of the Turkish Aerospace company, visited the assembly-test complex and space equipment design bureau and received information about their production capacity.

As it is known, the original design and production of the TürkSat-6A heavy class spacecraft belongs entirely to the Turkish Aerospace Company.

During the tour of the assembly-test complex, the Kazakh delegation was shown the spacecraft and engineering models and also they had the opportunity to see works of the design bureau closely.

During the speech of Vasyl Leonov, vice-chairman of the “National Space Communication Center” Board of Directors about the future plans of the institution, “It is possible to use the SmallGeo platform, which is the main platform for the creation of telecommunications satellites of Turkish Aerospace Industries and its subsidiary GSatCom for the creation of the KazSat-3R space communication system” he said.

At the meeting, Turkish and Kazakh experts reviewed the plans for The joint communication satellite project of Central Asian countries and organizations of Turkic states.

The Turkish Aerospace Company stated that the realization of such a project will enable technology exchange between the Republics of Turkey and Kazakhstan, in addition to establishing a common technological platform and encouraging the creation of a common space system. He also stated that the project will enable us to share our experiences with our Kazakh colleagues in the aerospace field.

The Kazakh and Turkish sides will sign an agreement on the synchronous co-operation of the production facilities. The Kazakhstan side will be able to benefit from the technical solutions of the Turkish Aerospace Industry during the implementation of the future projects of the Satellite communication systems.

The agreement is planned to be signed at the “Digital Bridge-2022” international forum on digital technologies, trade and information technologies, which will be held in Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, at the end of September.


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