
Ministry of Emergency Situations Directed to Maintain Seismological Monitoring

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, chairing a government meeting, addressed the earthquake situation in Almaty, instructing the Ministry of Emergency Situations to ensure ongoing surveillance of the seismological landscape across the country.

Minister of Emergency Situations Chingis Arinov outlined swift responses undertaken since the onset of the emergency, detailing coordinated efforts across all services in accordance with established protocols. Central and regional command centers were activated to synchronize response efforts.

Wide-ranging communication measures were implemented to inform citizens, utilizing television, radio broadcasts, voice alerts, and 384 dedicated information points. A 24-hour hotline was established to address public inquiries.

In Almaty, essential services continue uninterrupted, with stability prevailing in the seismic environment nationwide. The Ministry of Emergency Situations commits to extensive public outreach initiatives to enhance earthquake preparedness among citizens.

Almaty’s Akim, Erbolat Dosayev, provided insights into city operations and assistance measures. District authorities and rescue services collaborated to establish citizen gathering points, providing essential provisions and support under the supervision of law enforcement and emergency personnel.

Moreover, a nationwide instant warning system via mobile devices, based on the “Mass Alert” principle utilizing Cell Broadcast technology, is slated for introduction by the end of May. Spearheaded jointly by the Almaty Akimat, Ministry of Digital Development, and Emergency Situations, this initiative ensures rapid dissemination of notifications without straining network capacity.

Bektenov emphasized the comprehensive response from various agencies and urged continuous vigilance. He highlighted the ongoing assessment of the situation, stressing the Ministry of Emergency Situations’ obligation to maintain constant seismological monitoring. Additionally, the ministry must monitor mudflow and avalanche risks in mountainous regions, implementing preemptive measures when necessary.



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