
Kyrgyzstan’s Integration into EAEU Boosts Foreign Trade Turnover

Since joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Kyrgyzstan has witnessed a significant surge in its foreign trade turnover, soaring from $5.6 billion to $15.7 billion, marking a remarkable 2.8-fold increase.

President Sadyr Japarov highlighted the republic’s commitment to further integration into the EAEU, emphasizing the positive impact experienced by Kyrgyzstan since joining the association. Speaking at an expanded meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, Japarov expressed Kyrgyzstan’s intention to strengthen relations with member countries of the association.

“We feel the positive effect of integration and a notable rise in foreign trade. We are committed to continued efforts in bolstering equal, mutually beneficial, and amicable relations among the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union,” stated President Japarov.

Highlighting the achievements, Japarov noted that from the time of joining the union until 2023, Kyrgyzstan’s foreign trade turnover surged from $5.6 billion to $15.7 billion, with exports increasing by 2.2 times and imports by 2.9 times.

Further emphasizing the commitment to economic integration within the EAEU, Japarov stressed the importance of creating a single market for goods and services, facilitating common energy markets, and ensuring freedom of movement for labor resources.

Moreover, Japarov praised Kyrgyzstan’s business community for its readiness to embrace further integration into the EAEU, stating that it not only adapts to new conditions but also significantly contributes to integration efforts and sustains economic activity among member countries and beyond.



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