The Ministry of Labor, Social Security, and Migration of Kyrgyzstan has developed a new edition of the family code, which prohibits same-sex marriage. The proposed changes have been submitted for public discussion, as reported by Kazinform Agency.
Among the amendments, the rule lowering the marriageable age by one year is slated for removal. Under the new draft, marriage will only be permitted from the age of 18. Furthermore, the proposed legislation specifies that marriage can only be contracted between a man and a woman. Additionally, the draft prohibits religious weddings without state registration of marriage, with legal consequences outlined for violations.
The proposed revisions also include restrictions on marriage between certain individuals, such as convicted persons serving sentences, direct relatives up to the seventh generation, siblings (including those with a common parent), adoptive parents and adopted children, as well as guardians and wards during the period of guardianship.
Moreover, the responsibilities concerning the placement of children in families, appointment of guardians, and facilitating adoption within Kyrgyzstan will be transferred to local state administration. The new edition aims to optimize articles related to child support obligations, strengthen parental responsibilities in child care and upbringing, and streamline the registration process for children in need of state protection through an automated information system.
The overarching goals of these legislative changes are to foster the development of the institution of the family, uphold traditional family values, and enhance the role of families within society.