
Kyrgyzstan considers banning face coverings in public

A Kyrgyz lawmaker has proposed a law that would ban the wearing of face coverings in public places. Deputy Sharapatkan Mazhitova said the law is necessary to prevent crime and terrorism, reports.

Pointing out that there have been cases where people have used face coverings to commit crimes, Mazhitova said, “We need to make sure that people’s faces are visible so that we can identify them.”

The proposed law would not apply to religious head coverings, such as the hijab. However, it would ban the wearing of niqabs and burqas, which completely cover the face.

Mazhitova’s proposal has been met with mixed reactions. Some people support the law, saying it is necessary to protect public safety. Others argue that it is an infringement on religious freedom.

The law is still in the early stages of development. It is unclear when it will be considered by parliament.

In addition to Uzbekistan, several other countries have banned face coverings in public places. These include France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.


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