
Kyrgyz-Turkish Business Forum Took Place, Strengthening Economic Cooperation in Bishkek

Under the auspices of President Sadyr Japarov, Bishkek played host to a Kyrgyz-Turkish business forum aimed at enhancing bilateral economic ties.

The event saw a gathering of over 60 Turkish entrepreneurs who journeyed to Kyrgyzstan to participate in the forum.

Covering a broad spectrum of industries, forum participants engaged in presentations and business meetings, fostering both bilateral and multilateral discussions.

Akylbek Japarov, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Head of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, emphasized the strategic significance of the event in bolstering trade and economic relations between the two countries. He expressed Kyrgyzstan’s commitment to an open dialogue to address current and future challenges.

The forum also showcased products from Kyrgyz manufacturing companies, providing attendees with the opportunity to sample goods and gain insights into their production processes. Additionally, detailed briefings on the country’s economic laws and investor incentives were provided.

Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, Daniyar Amangeldiev, highlighted the forum’s significance in attracting new investors and facilitating B2B meetings, which are expected to yield substantial outcomes, including the signing of memorandums and investment agreements.

This marks the second Kyrgyz-Turkish business forum of the year, following the initial gathering in Ankara where approximately 20 agreements were inked, spanning raw material supply contracts and investment ventures.



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