
Kids Fly Free: Nearly 2,000 Children Enjoy Free Flights on Tours Across Kazakhstan

13 travel companies successfully executed 920 tours as part of a program, allowing 1,975 children to experience free flights while exploring various destinations within Kazakhstan by the end of 2023, reports

The total compensation for these flights reached 90 million tenge. The overall value of the sold tours, after deducting the cost of children’s air tickets, totaled 458 million tenge.

Alakol emerged as the most popular destination, attracting a total of 637 children, with compensation amounting to 10.7 million tenge. Almaty secured the second spot, with 561 children benefiting from free flights and compensation totaling 31.9 million tenge. The Caspian coast claimed the third position, hosting over 350 children under the Kids Go Free program, with a compensation amounting to 25.5 million tenge.

For context, the Kids Go Free program saw the implementation of 692 tours in 2022, valued at 373 million tenge. During that period, 1,430 children availed themselves of free flights, leading to a compensation amount of 76.2 million tenge. The program continues to make a positive impact, providing opportunities for young explorers to discover the beauty of Kazakhstan.




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