
Kazakhtelecom and AzerTelecom sign agreement for Trans-Caspian Fiber-Optic Cable

Kazakhtelecom and AzerTelecom, the telecommunications operators of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, have signed a shareholder agreement to establish a joint venture for the construction and operation of the Trans-Caspian Fiber-Optic Communication Line (FOCL), reports.

The agreement marks a significant step forward in the ongoing partnership of the companies for the construction of the fiber-optic line, which will extend across the seabed of the Caspian Sea along the Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan route.

The joint venture will be responsible for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the FOCL. It is expected that the cable will be completed by the end of 2024.

The FOCL will be a high-capacity, high-speed fiber-optic cable that will provide a reliable and secure telecommunications link between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The cable will also be a key part of the “Digital Silk Way” project, which aims to create a modern transit fiber-optic network that will greatly improve digital connectivity in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and South Asia.

The agreement between Kazakhtelecom and AzerTelecom is a major boost for the “Digital Silk Way” project. It demonstrates the commitment of the two companies to the project and their belief in the potential of the region.

About the Digital Silk Way project:

The “Digital Silk Way” project is a regional initiative that aims to create a modern transit fiber-optic network that will greatly improve digital connectivity in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and South Asia.

The project is expected to create jobs, boost economic development, and improve the digital connectivity of the region. It will also help to promote regional cooperation and integration.


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