“Korisu Kuni” which means “to meet each other” is being celebrated by the Kazakh people on March 14.
After a long winter, when the roads are cleared of snow and the spring sun is shining, the villagers greet their elders from the very early morning, go around the houses of their relatives and friends.
Korisu Kuni means strengthening the values that unite the family and society.
On this day, people who are angry with each other, they ask for mutual forgiveness and draw closer to each other. Those who are far away come to their home, to relatives, or congratulate them by phone, send postcards.
The key words on this day are “Forgive me!” which is needs to be answered with “God will forgive and I forgive you!”. However you need not only to ask for forgiveness from those whom you voluntarily or involuntarily offended but also need to sincerely let go of the bad feelings which you keep inside of you.
Another feature of this holiday is that it is not limited to one day. In general, these traditions have existed among Kazakh people since the ancient times however in the last century, during the Soviet era they began to be forgotten due to the fact that the celebration of Nauryz was banned. After Kazakhstan gained it’s independence, the lost traditions were revived. In modern times, the whole country began to celebrate them.