
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to increase trade turnover to $2 billion

The heads of government of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan agreed to increase trade turnover between the countries to $2 billion, reports..

The announcement was made by Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov at the First Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, which is taking place in Taraz.

“Today we have a more ambitious goal – to increase trade volume to $2 billion. For this, we have all the opportunities that we must actively use,” the Kazakh Prime Minister said.

The heads of government also noted that mutual trade has been showing steadily rising dynamics in recent years. The target of $1 billion in trade turnover was achieved already in 2021, and at the end of 2022 the figure was improved by another 19%.

Smailov also revealed that since 2005, Kazakh companies have invested almost $1.3 billion in the economy of Kyrgyzstan.

“In Kazakhstan, 3.5 thousand joint ventures are successfully operating, and about 200 new companies have joined their ranks since last year. Undoubtedly, the possibilities for our investment cooperation are much wider, and we are interested in the further implementation of joint projects,” said Smailov.

The parties also signed the Protocol of the 11th meeting of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Intergovernmental Council, and the heads of the cities of Shymkent and Osh, Aktobe and Jalal-Abad regions signed memorandums on the establishment of twinning relations.



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