
Kazakhstan Advances in Global Corruption Perception Index, Despite Remaining in Highly Corrupt List

The Transparency International Foundation has evaluated Kazakhstan's level of corruption, revealing a positive shift in its position in the global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

Kazakhstan secured a +3 point improvement, reaching a score of 39 out of 100, placing 93rd out of 180 countries, compared to the previous year’s 101st position.

©The Transparency International Foundation

While Kazakhstan has shown historical improvement with its best-ever score, the nation remains categorized among highly corrupt countries. Transparency International Kazakhstan highlighted the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region’s average score of 35 out of 100, ranking it as the second region globally with the highest corruption levels. Georgia is the sole country in the region to surpass 50 points, scoring 53.

The organization attributed Kazakhstan’s improvement to the reinvigoration of civil society following Kantar, prompting governmental authorities to implement reforms in anti-corruption measures, asset recovery, and the detention of high-ranking officials and their relatives. Despite the progress, countries scoring below 50 points are still considered highly corrupt, hindering economic development and citizens’ social well-being.

Over the past decade, Armenia (47), Moldova (42), Kosovo (41), Ukraine (36), and Uzbekistan (33) have significantly improved their CPI scores. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina (35), Türkiye (34), and Turkmenistan (18) experienced declines. Turkey, along with Serbia (36), Russia (26), and Tajikistan (20), attained the lowest CPI scores.

In the region, Azerbaijan (23), Tajikistan (20), and Turkmenistan (18) registered the lowest scores. The data underscores the ongoing challenges posed by corruption in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, emphasizing the need for sustained efforts to address this critical issue.




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