
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulates Kazakhstanis on People’s Unity Day

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev shared a message of congratulation to Kazakhstanis on the People’s Unity Day.

Dear people of Kazakhstan!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Kazakhstan People’s Unity Day – a holiday that embodies harmony in our country!

National unity is our priceless wealth, a solid foundation for our statehood.

Kazakh land has become a home for representatives of different ethnic groups. Today, all our citizens feel a sense of belonging to a common past, present and future, we have common values and ideals. We all belong to one big family, a single Kazakh nation.

The country’s sustained progress depends on the success of our reform efforts. We will be able to achieve our ambitious goals only thanks to our indestructible unity.

Folk wisdom says: “The beginning of happiness is consent.” This testament of ancestors is one of the main priorities in building a Just Kazakhstan. We will consistently build a harmonious society based on the principles of equality and justice.

Let the unity of our people grow stronger, elevating our country to new heights!

I wish all fellow citizens well-being and prosperity!

Happy holiday, dear Kazakhstanis!”


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